VizoVideo is a camera app that allows you to shoot videos and photos simultaneously with a single operation.
If you perform a flick operation while playing a movie, you can operate it one by one like a cartoon.
Since photos are extracted from videos, you may find an unexpected one.
● Easy to take
Start shooting with the record button like a normal movie.
The recorded video (MP4) can be played on other players.
● Double structure of video and flip manga
The recorded video can be viewed not only as a normal video but also by flicking and moving forward by frame like a flip comic.
● Extract photos from videos
Since you can extract photos one by one from the video, you may be able to meet unexpected best shots.
● Convert videos shot with other apps with VizoVideo
You can also convert videos shot with other than VizoVideo.
Convert downloaded videos with ViiVideo. Since you can check each frame, browse carefully at your own pace.
● Share videos with friends and family
● Various uses for cooking recipes, assembly videos, etc.!
Usage examples
1. Furniture assembly
2. Maintenance such as how to replace automobile parts
3. Cooking recipe
4. Origami and magic tricks
5. Assembly manual for toys and plastic models
6. Analysis of crime prevention video
7. Form check for golf and baseball